March 21st Thurs. 7-8 pm EST - Stephen S. Mehler: Author, Independent Egyptologist over 30 years, holds 3 degrees in the sciences and is a trained field archaeologist and prehistorian. Researched material about ancient Egypt, particularly the era known as the Amarna Period and the King Akhenaten. The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC in 1977, exposed him to esoteric teachings about Egyptian Mystery Schools. In 1992, Stephen met Egyptian-born Egyptologist and Indigenous Wisdom Keeper, Abd’El Hakim Awyan. It is Hakim’s teachings about the ancient Khemitian civilization, that formed his research and book "THE LAND OF OSIRIS: An Introduction to Khemitology". Active interests in the study of UFO/Extraterrestrials and the field of Astrology. CO.
March 22nd Friday 6-7 pm EST - Robert Potter: Researching healing and consciousness. He has been experiencing UFO contacts since 1975 with (the late) Dr. Fred Bell in Laguna Beach. A major proponent for UFO/Alien Disclosure, has dedicated his focus in educating others on the profound aspects of Interplanetary Cultural Exchange. Potter said he’s been working with a man who goes by the code name “Cobra,” who’s been releasing information in regards to an ET/Inner Earth or “Agarthan” network that’s helping our planet to heal. He has traveled extensively in search for truth, and has spent time with Sai Baba in India. Rob is considered an expert in pyramidology and the uses of crystals. He is a master healer in the art of laying on hands and almost every modality of massage. Calif.
March 22nd Friday 7-8 pm EST - Len Kasten: In the Air Force he experienced a UFO encounter that had a transforming effect on his life. At Eglin Air Force Base, one night he witnessed a glowing green and gold craft moving swiftly and silently over the Gulf of Mexico. The sighting was confirmed the next day by radar operators and reported to a superior in the aptly titled 'UFO Office'. Spent time in the Assoc. for Research and Enlightenment library (A.R.E.) in VA., founded by psychic Edgar Cayce, where he acquired a self-education in metaphysics. He moved to Boston where he joined the Boston Theosophical Society. Later, while working in Wash. D.C. in the 1960s, he felt drawn to join the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), investigating UFO phenomena. Became the editor of an early New Age publication, Metamorphosis Magazine co-founded with Gordon-Michael Scallion. Author of The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: about George Adamski, Roswell, antigravity aircraft, ET involvement in WWII, a city on Mars, abductions and hybrids, trip to Serpo, all the way back to ancient Egypt. AZ.
Welcome all to My website http://thepromiserevealed.com
ReplyDeleteI have many new pages and photo galleries as well as creating and releasing new technologies to aid the light workers of the world to heal themselves the peoples of the wolrd and the planet herself,
Below are a few onf my favorite latest additions but what the heck enjoy the whole site. It is an honor to once again be with Bob Charles and his rapidly growing show. Bob's show is rapidly becoming a major force of truth and revelation of light to his listeners through out the world it is my honor to share an hur with him once again!
Victory to the light
Rob Potter
Chiang Mai Thailand