Wednesday, July 24, 2013




The Holy Grail Of Quantum Physics, The Higgs Boson-The God Particle Is Discovered &
                                     Their Explanation Matches Saint Peter's Inspired

Is it just me, or does it seem lately that every headline has been proclaiming doomsday or
the end of the age? Mayan calendars. Massive meteors. Ahmadinejad and Kim Jong-un in a
nuclear joint venture. (No worries, there, right?) Saint Malachy's prediction of the last
pope. Rabbi Kaduri's prophecy of Ariel Sharon, a modern day Methuselah now in a coma
already 7 years, against all odds, says his death will usher in the Rapture. (Rabbi Kaduri
at 108 yrs old, highly respected in Israel, proclaimed he met Yeshua Jesus in a
dream/vision and He is the Messiah!) Tetrads of Blood Moons & 2 solar eclispses all on
Jewish Feast days coming in 2014 & 2015. Comet Ison (Sion or Zion?) to be as big as a full
moon this year (NASA) and possibly 15 times the brightness! In the Gospels, Jesus gives us
a nearly precise answer to the apostles question of when the End of the Age will be (see
link bottom of page). Then there is the Jubilee, Suleiman & Daniel Nine calculations for
Jerusalem's End of the Age role coming to fruition very soon (2017/ Hebrew year 5777 see
bottom link). Then we have the Isaiah 17 prophecy that tells us in one evening Damascus
(Dam-As-Cus) run by President Bashar (BASH-ar) Al Assad (A-Sad-Ass) will by morning be
never again be a city. Significant? Yes! When you take into account that Webster's
Dictionary tells us Damascus is the oldest known continually inhabited city from ancient
times! This means the prophecy is definitely future and likely to happen very very soon.
Add to all this numerous Scientific discoveries and Genetic manipulations of God's
Creation reaching unfathomable rapid advancements! Plus the population of the world just
reaching 7 billion. Don't forget Jonathan Cahn's 77 week running New York Times #1 best
selling "Harbinger" Books & Movies about THE FOR REAL verified judgment coming upon the
United States Etc., Etc., Etc..  (Search Harbinger Jonathan Cahn on YouTube>Watch Sid
Roth's Program or any other on The Harbinger and be amazed! It is really indisputable!)
With reports of trumpet sounds emanating from all over deep inside the Earth (You Tube)
and reports of mass animal deaths occurring over and over worldwide etc. So guess what

Now Today's headline? Not just Earth, but the entire universe will be annihilated,
dissolved! By something we can't even see!
To be specific, the Higgs-Boson particle. For those of us who go straight for quantum
physics when we pick up a newspaper (and who doesn't?) It's been in the news a lot for the
last few years. But for those who may have missed it, the Higgs-Boson particle is a
hypothetical particle that scientists think will help us understand how the universe came
to be.
Some aspects of physics are still a mystery-- for example, certain aspects of the four
fundamental forces in the universe. Gravity; the electromagnetic force, the "strong" force
(which holds the nuclei of atoms together), and "the weak" force (responsible for
radioactive decay).
In the mid-sixties, scientists (particularly physicist Peter Higgs), began to realize that
many of their questions would be answered by the existence of certain kind of energy field
in the universe, a remnant of the extreme amount of energy input into the universe at its
moment of origin. A kind of energy field that had never been detected.
But the field (if it existed as they imagined it) could be detected because it would, by
definition, give off a particular kind of particle, a particle that came to be known as
the Higgs Boson. And that particle, when it was found, would tell us a lot about the
universe because the Higgs Field, if it existed, would permeate all of space and time.
Higgs proposed the existence of the Higgs Boson particle in 1964, and it became the Holy
Grail of quantum physics. The search was on.
It took a while.
Just last July, scientists finally announced that (courtesy of the Large Hadron collider,
at $10 billion the most expensive scientific instrument ever built) a likely particle had
been identified, a particle with the surprisingly heavy mass of 126 electron volts. (About
126 times the mass of a proton, for those of you who were curious to know.)
And the scientists' hopes were not dashed. The particle did have something to tell us
about the universe.
Monday, at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science,
the scientists announced that as it turns out, the fate of the universe apparently hangs
on the mass of the Higgs Boson. And, according to Joseph Lykken, physicist at the Fermi
National Laboratory, "It's bad news".
Why bad news? The mass of the Higgs Boson particle, it seems, makes the universe
inherently unstable. The mass of the Higgs Boson particle means that the universe will
eventually self-destruct, dissolve.
According to Christopher Hill, a theoretical physicist at the Fermi National Laboratory,
"It's right along the critical line. That could either be a cosmic coincidence, or it
could be that there's some physics that's causing that. You change any of these
parameters... by a tiny bit and you get a different end."
The Universe will come unglued. Literally. It will come undone at a molecular level by the
decay of the Higgs boson.
Which is kind of interesting. Ancient cosmologists had lots of theories on origins. The
Babylonians imagined the universe as a big round ball that revolved around the homes of
their gods.
Hindu cosmologists believed in a universe that waxed and waned, mirroring the life the
human life cycle but with continual rebirth.
Greeks imagined a limitless universe with a fire in the center.
All, however, uniformly believed the universe to be infinite, always existent, eternal.
Aristotle and Plato popularized it hundreds of years before Christ lived, and an infinite,
eternal universe was the prevailing religious and scientific theory for 4000 years.
The Bible, in contrast to all other religious or scientific cosmologies had always said
that there was a beginning:
"in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."
And just as the Bible has always said that the universe had a beginning, it has also
maintained that the universe would also have an end.
"But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass
away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and
the works that are in it will be burned up. Therefore, since all these things will be
dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking
for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be
dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we,
according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness
dwells." (II Peter 3:10-13)
"All the host of heaven shall be dissolved, And the heavens shall be rolled up like a
scroll; All their host shall fall down As the leaf falls from the vine, And as fruit
falling from a fig tree." (Isaiah 34:4)
What's interesting is that the Bible specifically says that the universe will
dissolve--come apart at a fundamental level. And as usual, try as it might, science can't
help but confirm what the Bible says.
Lyyken explained the destruction of our current existence, saying that we could think of
it as an alternate reality that replaces the current one-a new form of a universe that
would overtake the one we currently inhabit.
Which sounds an awful lot like the "new heavens and new earth" replacing the one that
dissolves. The one in which righteousness dwells, replacing the one the Bible also
describes as now inherently flawed.
You may know the Higgs Boson particle by the name it's more often called in the media: the
"God particle". Higgs, an atheist, hates the name, as do other scientists, because it
brings God into the picture. They view it as journalistic sensationalism. I used to agree,
but for different reasons.
Now I'm not so sure. A particle that permeates all of this current reality? One that
indicates that the universe has a fatal flaw? One that in and of itself contains a
pre-programmed end to what we see around us?
"The God particle" sounds like a pretty good name to me.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bob get a Load of Prof Brian Cox on the Simple Explanation to Conan onhis Show on the God Particles. see the Link LOL John in the Know
