Thursday, September 26, 2013


The Bob Charles International Show receives Information about our World from Listeners all over the Globe - O.K. Who's Really on the Moon !

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Interview Carried Out by My YouTube Account/General Messages
by Luca Scantamburlo
I decided it is better avoiding to name the people who work for NASA now and mentioned by W.
Rutledge in the answer nr.24, because it is necessary, in spite of his amazing video footages and his
detailed report, waiting for further evidences about this amazing story, which is showing some
contradictory aspects. As fact, in spite of their names are true and in public domain as
Governmental employees, so far they are not known as historical leading characters, and there is no
proof of a previous contact with W. Rutledge - But the things could change...Let's see what happens.
June 30, 2007
A secret joint space mission on the Moon, result of an American-Soviet collaboration taken place in
August 1976? Is it possible? Why not, if you consider that the existence of a Federal Agency like
NRO (National Reconnaissance Office), and its missions of overhead reconnaissance,“were
declassified in September 1992” (according to its official website). And is it really possible that
such a collaboration has been prepared to explore a huge alien spaceship found on the backside of
the Moon?
William Rutledge(according to his story, a man of 76 years old who lives in Rwanda, former of Bell
Laboratories and employed by USAF) is the name of the “deep throat” who, since April 2007, has
been disclosing information and spreading a lot of video and photographic material on YouTube,
about the presumed Apollo 20 space mission. His user name on YouTube is “retiredafb”,and the
most amazing footage he released so far is the presumed flyover of an ancient alien spaceship found
on the backside of the Moon by the Apollo 15 crew.
The last official space mission to the Moon with crew was the Apollo 17 (NASA), which took place
in December 1972, and the Apollo 20 mission was cancelled by NASA in January 1970. But the
presumed footage of Apollo 20 is not the only material which came out in the last weeks: it was also
released by William Rutledge a presumed studio for the flyover of the assumed alien spaceship
(available on YouTube as the so-called preflight study for Apollo 20). And moreover on YouTube
we have also several shots of the strange object on the backside of the Moon (whose numbers
would be AS20-1020, AS20-1022 and AS20-FWD-7250). According to the YouTube file-card on
William Rutledge, who uploaded the controversial footages and shots, Apollo 20 went to the moon
august 16 1976. Destination was Iszak D, southwest of Delporte Crater, farside of the moon. The
mission was soviet-american. Crew was William Rutledge CDR, former of bell laboratories, leona
snyder CSP bell laboratories, and alexei leonov, soviet cosmonaut former "apollo soyouz" (mission
one year earlier).
There are a few inconsistencies in William Rutledge’s memories that you can find in reading this

interview. It could be comprehensible if you think about an old man (76 years old) who is trying to
recall historical facts and events of his life. So, I am not astonished if Rutledge, for instance in
talking about the former Russian President Boris Yeltsin who used tanks and troops during the
assault to the Parliament building, recalled the years 1995 or 1994 when the exact year of the small
civil war was 1993 ([...]I went to the Ural in 1995 or 1994, can't recall, responding to an invitation,
but it was a mess here, I crossed Moscow when tanks were shooting the Russian parliament by W.
Rutledge, from the answer nr.8 of the interview).I verified it later on an encyclopaedia, but I could
not answer before to such a question. I remembered only it occurred at the beginning of the '90s.
On the other hand William Rutledge showed me a knowledge of Geology, Chemistry and of space
exploration history, using specific terms. For example, he mentioned in the interview a not well-
know term: the “feldspathoid”, a “mineral consisting of an aluminous silicate that has too little
silica to form feldspar”(Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, Könemann, 1993, pag. 835).
So, I have good grounds for believing William Rutledge’s testimony: first of all there really is
(was?) a strange and big object on the far side of the Moon, and its shape is very close to that one
showed in the video on YouTube: I am talking about the object visible in a couple of NASA pictures
taken by the Apollo 15 mission. The cigar-shaped object looks like leant beside a crater, lightly
oblique; and the visible zone in the footage is very similar to the visible region in some originals
NASA photos taken by Apollo 15: the Moon region coordinates where there is the unusual object
are the following: Latitude: 10° S - Longitude: 117.5° E, Southwest of Delporte and North of Izsak.
I have checked on a Lunar chart: it is on the backside of the Moon.
The official NASA photos are available on the website of the Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI, in
Houston), which is a “research institute that provides support services to NASA and the planetary
science community”: the links to find the pictures (the AS15-P-9630 and the AS15-P-9625, from
the the Apollo Image Atlas) are the following:
Moreover, it is meaningful that the links were provided by William Rutledge (how did he know the
details of those panoramic picture?).
A second reason, in my opinion, is that William Rutledge is not gaining money from doing that. A
third reason is the detailed story he told me in the following interview, full of technical and other
specific aspects coherent among them. There are just some incomplete biographical notes about the
famous NASA astronauts. But he answered kindly to every single question I have put to him,
without hesitation, and he provided several names of the presumed American and Soviet people
involved in that classified space mission. Some of them are still alive. It could be interesting to be
able having a comment from them.
The fourth reason is the quality of the footages on YouTube, which seem consistent with a shot
equipment available during the ‘70s and the first ‘80s. I asked to an expert in shot, an Italian friend
of mine whose name initials are F.D. His comment about the footage spread by William Rutledge
was the following:
[...]i punti luce sovraesposti e la relativa 'scia' presentano tutte le caratteristiche dei difetti delle
telecamere basate su tubo di tipo VIDICON. La 'scia' consiste in una persistenza del segnale video
all'interno del tubo. [...] Nonostante quest'ultimo sia un sistema di ripresa televisivo obsoleto, oggi
la ditta Hamamatsu ( realizza telecamere VIDICON all'infrarosso.
In English it means:
[...]the overexposed light points and the relative trail show all the features of the TV cameras faults
based on VIDICON-type tube. The‘trail’ is composed of a persistence of the video signal inside the
tube. [...] In spite this one is an obsolete TV shot system, today the Hamamatsu firm

( makes infrared VIDICON cameras.
And, as a matter of fact, among the several different varieties of photographic equipment aboard the
Apollo 17, there was a Westinghouse color TV camera, which could used in the command module,
handheld or bracket-mounted. It is almost obvious thinking to a similar camera equipment for the
presumed Apollo 20, taken place in 1976 according to William Rutledge.
In any case, the public will be the first judge of this story, which could become in the near future the
definitive proof that we are not alone in the Universe.
In the following interview granted by William Rutledge who lives now in Africa, I have corrected
(where I could) the orthographical mistakes that there were in the answers (e.g. I put the right
capital letters and the right apostrophes), but I did not change the syntactical construction of the
sentences made by William Rutledge. Where I was not able to understand his words, I put some
dots between square brackets. W. Rutledge told me he is now an old man with some problems to the
his articulations; moreover, William explained to me that he’s always nervous when he writes.
That’s why on YouTube you can find some mistakes in his comments (user name: retiredafb) posted
with the footages. Anyway, here you are some words written by him for the foreword to the
following interview:
I don’t use English since 1990 but Kinyarwanda and French, and I write quickly, sometimes letters
are missing because I’m busy writing the next one, or it is another on the keyboard which is used,
but that’s a detail...
Luca Scantamburlo:
First of all I want to thank you for your time and availability. It means a lot
for me and, I guess, for all the people around the world, very curious about what it is going on
YouTube after the release of your amazing video footages and information on the presumed “Apollo
20” space mission. Now we can begin our interview. Because of my professional activity, I will
start from a skeptical point of view. So please, I kindly ask you to understand it. You will have the
space to answer and for explaining your reasons.
What is your name? How old are you and are you an American citizen? Sometimes your written
English contains some orthographical mistakes...Are you forgetting your language rules (e.g., you
wrote “maicroscope”instead of “microscope”)? Somebody on the Web said you do not seem
(considering your writings) an American-English native land...
William Rutledge:
I'm not offended, I like to answer to skeptics, you cannot imagine what kind of
messages I receive. That’s my name, William Rutledge, no Standford Rutledge, it's another one.
Born in 1930 in Belgium, American citizen, I know about mistakes, I'm writing too fast with
arthrose problems and I'm always nervous when I'm writing, it's like trying to contain a flow of
water. I'm not accustomed to speak in English anymore since 1990. I have learned Kinyarwanda and
use French, sometimes German because Rwanda is a former Belgium-German colony.
How long have you been living in Rwanda and why did you move overthere?
It 's a woman who brought me to Rwanda, maybe I was searching for somebody like one
person who shared my life before. Personally speaking, I have always been sensible to Africa born
women. (Buzz Aldrin was also sensible, he was the only astronaut participating in a walk after
martin Luther King's death, it’s not a well known story). I established myself with a new identity in
Kigali in 1990, streets have no names here. I stayed in Nyiamirambo quarter till 1994, war pushed
me to the north west of the country, near the Congo Kinshasa frontier. Rwandan authorities do not
know my past, my friends do.

Can you tell me anything about your life? Where are you from? Where did you study?
I've written on this on my others answers, Avro, Chance Vought, just consider that USAF
uses every person who can bring skills, white, black, woman, every citizen. It was different with
NASA, all astronauts were West Point students, only Alan Bean was an artist, Armstrong was a
philosopher and Aldrin a spiritual man.
How did you become an astronaut with NASA (I suppose) in the ‘70s?
NASA didn't employ me, USAF did, I had worked on the study of foreign technology,
RUSSIAN only, study about the N1 project, AJAX plane project and the Mig Foxbat 25. I had some
skills for using computer navigation and was a volunteer for the MOL-Gemini project. USAF
recalled that, I have been chosen later for Apollo 20 because I was one of the rare pilot who didn't
believe in God (it has changed since 1990) but it was a criterion in 1976. It was not the status of the
NASA astronauts. Not believing in God made the difference. That's all.
Can you prove who you are with some photos or documents of yours, taken during the
training by NASA or even before, during your work at the Bell Laboratories? Can you send them to
me as attachments, for a publication?
Yes, I will put them online, but I will focus on Leonov, to end hoax controversy.
When and above all why did you decide to disclose these information about classified space
missions and is there anybody who is protecting you?
It's the announcement of "the wonder of it all" maybe, and 2012 is coming fast. I also think
that UFOs will appear more often starting from September 2007. A lot of people died around me in
Rwanda, and I have more time to take care of this. About protection, please understand it's hard to
speak of my armoury.
After the “Apollo 20” mission, taken place in August 1976 according to the information you
have provided, what did you do and when did you leave the U.S.A. ?
After Apollo 20, several things happened, I was not aware of how the material collected
would be used. I thought Space Shuttle was a bad idea, I’ve worked on the KH 11 project before
In your writings provided on YouTube you mentioned the members of the“Apollo 20”
crew: among them there is the former Soviet cosmonaut, Alexei Leonov. I remember he is still
alive. Does he know what you are doing on the Web? Did you talk with him before April 2007 and
if the answer is no, aren’t you afraid about what he could do or tell?
Leonov is not aware of all this, I cannot contact him, contacts were completely lost in 1982-
1984, I went to the Ural in 1995 or 1994, can't recall, responding to an invitation, but it was a mess
here, I crossed Moscow when tanks were shooting the Russian parliament. Cant' imagine his
reaction. If he discovers the videos without preparation, he can confirm or leave at once. If he is
warned, and prepared, he can deny.
A question about the dialogues subtitles on the “spaceship footage”:did you make them or

did somebody else make them? There are some mistakes (e.g., the personal pronoun is “I”, with the
capital letter, not “i” as there is written). What about the original dialogues? Were there in the
footage? Did you have problems with the codecs during the transfer?
Yes, plenty of problems, subtitles are made just before transfer, I have to work with the
distance, I'll be back in Rwanda in July. I asked to put the flyover very quickly, they made the
subtitles in one hour, buried instead of burried, aperture to 1.8 is not at the right place, there are
mistakes but is does not shock me. The Apollo 11 mention at the beginning of the film surprised
me, it is on the original film, one internaut signaled that to me. The films are not the first
generation, some of them were copied in 1982 I'm sure of this, some have a blue background from
the end of the 70's.
There are in the dialogues between the astronauts and the Mission Control, some
expressions that I do not understand: for instance,“CSM”, “DSKY” and “Vandenberg Twenty”. I
could think that “DSKY” is about the position on the Moon (close to the Izsak crater) and that
the“Vandenberg Twenty” is about the Mission Control, located by the Vandeberg Air Force Base, in
California. Can you explain them?
CSM is Command Service Module, DSKY was the computer "display keyboard", we used
many acronyms. AGC is Apollo Guidance Computer, same that DSKY, but located in the Apollo
spacecraft and coupled with a telescope ( [...] on the LM).
In some videos, the first image you see is the DSKY panel with lines prog indicates the program
running verb and noun verb indicates what the DSKY has to do and show. Before filming I had to
enter verb 15 (display MET, mission elapsed time, or hours minutes seconds since lift-off, then
noun 65 for displaying on there rows, hours on the first line minutes on the second, and
seconds/tens of seconds on the third line). Then in every movie we put the date on the beginning of
the shot, MET, Mission Elapsed Time, hours since lift-off. In the flyover movie, the computer
indicates 144 hours if I remember.
Capcom (CC) is the function of the unique officer charged of transmission to astronauts. He gathers
all information and transmit them to the astronauts, news from the ground, instructions for the
corrections, wake up calls, three persons relay.
The syntax was "Vandenberg" calling Vandenberg next "twenty" a call from twenty. Inverted when
starting from Earth: Capcom- Twenty or sometimes EEcom- Twenty Guido - Twenty when we had a
special work to do, docking, correction. When undocking was made the communications were
different. Vandenberg Constellation (name of the Apollo spacecraft); Vandenberg Phoenix (name of
the LM). The Apollo 19 Apollo spacecraft was Endymion and Artemis was the Lunar Module name.
I would like to know something more about the preparation of the“Apollo 20” mission.
From where and when the Saturn rocket was launched and how many people were involved in that
classified mission. Can you do some names?
300 people were involved on the preparation, but more other witnesses in Vandenberg. It was
launched from this AFB. More witnesses, yes, many people saw departures in the sky, cameras were
forbidden all around the Vandenberg site, but today a lot of Space spotters film every launch of
Delta rockets, from towns. Other people saw this launch but not knowing it was a Saturn 5. One
internaut viewing the launch video says this launch is a Saturn 1B. If today, with all available
information, somebody makes such a mistake, you can image how it was in 1976. The preparation
was long, subject of cancellations, new starts. Russians had the first information since 1966, I don't
know what was their source.

Can you tell me anything about the Russian collaboration to “Apollo 20”?
James Chipman Fletcher for USA and Valentin Alexeiev for Russia, Werner Von Braun was
one of the happy viewer. Capcom were Charles Peter Conrad and James Irwin.
Tell me something about the “Apollo 18” and the “Apollo 19” missions; specially about
the last one and its failure. Was it a classified mission with the same goal of the “Apollo 20”? Tell
me about your ex girlfriend, Stephanie Ellis, “first American woman in Space” according to what
you wrote to me in a former letter. The official space history does not include her as astronaut...
Apollo 18 was the Apollo-Soyuz project, the honeymoon before a moon landing mission, it
was presented as a simple "shaking hands " mission in 1975. Apollo 19 and 20 were hazardous
missions. On long duration flight the helium pressure was too high on the LEM, a security disk had
to burst if pressure was going high, but motor was unusable after. So it was changed on Apollo 19
and 20, but not tested in Space before. It was ok, but... in the paper. However, we got no problem
with it. It was a long mission, 7 days scheduled on the Moon, every ray of light was used till ascent.
Apollo 19 had a loss of telemetry, a brutal end of mission without data. Now the truth is unknown
but it seems that it was a natural phenomenon, a collision with a "quasi-satellite ", like Cruithne, or
a meteor (the probability is higher I think). The goal was the same, the landing site was the same,
the exploration program was different, they had a big job to do with the rover, exploring the roof of
the ship by climbing on the "Monaco hill", (I'll have to put a lunar map online). NO American
astronaut is listes, I discovered since may that many people find many William Rultledge in NASA.
I can be found in the list of the Test pilots of Chance Vought, on the consultant list of the James
Forrestal Center, I was involved in fluid mechanics. My boss was Bogdanoff (nothing in common
with the Bogdanoff scientists).
Stephanie Ellis was born in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) in 1946, arrived in America at the age of 7
months. She was a LM specialist, she worked with Grumman Bethpage for new implementations on
the navigation system of the LM (Note that LM15 was officially destructed by Grumman). She
contributed to debug the Luminary program, who was never bug free. Apollo 19 and 20 had serious
problems with docking and rendez-vous. Her technical knowledge was as deep as Roger Chaffee.
She was a wonderful and funny person. I have some pictures of her in the LEM and Ingress 16 mm
footage. I'll not show the other members of the crew.
Russian collaborations; I don't know how, but Russian were informed of the presence of a ship on
the far side. Luna 15 in July 1969 crashed just at the South of the nose of the ship. It was a probe
similar to Ranger or Lunar Orbiter. They provided maps, precise charts of this area. The center of
decision was located in the Ural, in the town of Sverdlovsk. The chief of the program was professor
Valentin Alekseiev, who became later president of the academy of science in Ural. Leonov was
chosen because of his popularity in the communist leading staff, and secondary only because he was
on Apollo-Soyuz. In 1994, I met again Valentin Alekseiev in Ural, Yekaterinburg, and he had a
model of the spaceship made of malachite with incrustations of gold on his desk.
I could tell you 100 stories about how Russians wanted to impress us. For example, when I came to
the Academy of the Ural for the first time, my feet sticked on the ground, they had put varnish on
the floor, not dried, for showing us new offices, they did all this "the Russian way", quickly, with
quantity, not completely ready.
Is there anybody in U.S.A., Russia or in Europe that can confirm your story? And are you
not afraid that somebody can threaten your friends or relatives?
In USA, honestly I don't know who is living now. Conrad died a strange way I think, his
death was awful. Irwin is dead, von Braun also I think. James Fletcher. Leona Marietta Snyder is

alive and communicates and support me in this job. In Russia, Valentin Alekseiev, and Alexei
Leonov. Leonov is retired, I'm not sure of this but his health is a problem.
About security, no problem as far I live in Rwanda, I only have problem now in Europe, my family
is dead. I went to Rwanda in 1990, and stayed during 3 wars, the April-July 1994 were the worst
years of my life, but I have now true friends in the Tootsie community and Government. (I'm not
known in Rwanda as William Rutledge and American citizen, I have a whole new life).
I kept my moon flag, beta cloth name, and moon al7b equipment with original dust.
What did you know about the unofficial Warwick Research Institute Report on the “Public
Acclimation Program”, released in 1992 to the MUFON?
I have no knowledge of this report, 1992 was a very hard year for me, I was disconnected
from all this, can you give me a link?
Now we can discuss the ancient “alien spaceship” and “the City” on the farside of the
Moon. Did you go inside the spaceship? How big was it and what did you find inside?
We went inside the big spaceship, also into a triangular one. The major parts of the
exploration was; it was a mother ship, very old, who crossed the universe at least milliard of years
ago (1.5 estimated). There were many signs of biology inside, old remains of a vegetation in a
"motor" section, special triangular rocks who emitted "tears" of a yellow liquid which has some
special medical properties, and of course signs of extra solar creatures. We found remains of little
bodies (10cm) living in a network of glass tubes all along the ship, but the major discovery was two
bodies, one intact.
Did you visit “the City” on the Moon? Where was it? Did you understand if was there a
connection with the Space ship? Are “the City” and “the Ship” still there?
The "City" was named on Earth and scheduled as station one, but it appeared to be a real
space garbage, full of scrap, gold parts, only one construction seemed intact(we named it the
Cathedral). We made shots of pieces of metal, of every part wearing calligraphy, exposed to the sun.
The "City" seem to be as old as the ship, but it is a very tiny part. On the rover video, the
telephotolens make the artifacts greater.
What about the “Mona Lisa EBE”? [the correct Italian name is “Monna Lisa”] How does
she look like and where was she at that time, when you found out her on the Moon. Where do you
think she is now?
Mona Lisa – I don’t remember who named the girl, Leonov or me - was the intact EBE.
Humanoid, female, 1.65 meter. Genitalized, haired, six fingers (we guess that mathematics are
based on a dozen). Function; pilot, piloting device fixed to fingers and eyes, no clothes, we had to
cut two cables connected to the nose. No nostril. Leonov unfixed the eyes device (you'll see that in
the video). concretions of blood or bio liquid erupted and froze from the mouth, nose, eyes and
some parts of the body. Some parts of the body were in unusual good condition, (hair) and the skin
was protected by a thin transparent protection layer. As we told to mission control, condition
seemed not dead not alive. We had no medical background or experience, but Leonov and I used a
test, we fixed our bio equipment on the EBE, and telemetry received by surgeon (Mission Control
meds) was positive. That’s another story. Some parts could be unbelievable now, I prefer tell the
whole story when other videos will be online. This experience has been filmed in the LM. We found
a second body, destroyed, we brought the head on board. Color of the skin was blue gray, a pastel

blue. Skin had some strange details above the eyes and the front, a strap around the head, wearing
no inscription. The "cockpit" was full of calligraphy and formed of long semi hexagonal tubes. She
is on Earth and she is not dead, but I prefer to post other videos before telling what happened after.
Were you able to understand the origin of the spacecraft and how old was it?
The age was estimated to 1.5 milliards of years, it was confirmed during exploration, we
found ejections from the original crust, anorthosite, spirals in feldspathoids, coming from the impact
which formed Izsak D; The density of meteor impacts on the ship validated the age, also little white
impacts on the Monaco hill at the West of the ship...
Can you give me the technical details for every material you disclosed on YouTube? I
mean, can you distinguish among the tv transmissions from the Lunar rover and the camera
footages, during the flyovers? I would need to know the details of shooting for every video you
spread on the Web. What is the meaning of the strange numbers visibile on the videos, which
sometimes slowly stream over the frames, in the flyover of the Moon?
I have answered so much time on this, especially to a ESA astronaut. The transfer was in
made in Rwanda, [...] with codec and sound recuperation is not good, but it becomes better. The
subtitles are not genuine, but put on the videos after transfer. I asked to remove the voices
sometimes to protect one person from mission control.
We used three video cameras in Apollo, one on the rover, called GTCA, it is not the name of a
company (a commenter made a mistake on this) but a Westinghouse color camera. All three color
cameras has a color wheel who produced a time frame delay when transmitting to the earth. I think
it could be possible for a company to restore a good TV picture. The CSM camera had a black and
white monitor, and produced stable pictures, sharp because focusig was visible on the monitor. The
LM camera had a glass visor. The CSM camera was used one time on the AGC Visor, using the
coordinates I've transmitted during the flyover video. The Flyover video was made in zero gravity. I
was located on the left window, attitude horizontal, legs around the hammock, lens on the
polycarbonate glass. The cameras had a Vidicon tube sensible with light, a large quantity of light, or
changing the diaphragms put dropouts during transmission. The markings, numbers are used to
perform a good landing. During program 64, when [...] in almost in vertical attitude, we had to put
the "60" number on the landing site and hold it on the target minutes before landing. These marks
are on the both [...] windows, you can verify it on a NASA site. Please verify on a genuine NASA
site, (I got a flame by somebody who verified on the Apollo 13 movie) the markings had a special
angle inclination. If you check it, you'll have an idea of my precise position during this sequence.
How did you get years ago the copies of the footages of the mission?
About the footages [...] one day, someone I know told me he was charged to maintain
security around a container. A building had to be destroyed, and archives had to be burn by a plasma
torch. The nuclear power plant didn’t deliver energy at the right price, so the container was plenty
of interest things during some days. As human is naturally curious, people charged of security went
inside... My friend took video films, a couple of 16 mm plates, boxes of B/W paper, two
enlargers... He contacted me for selling the unsued paper, and that’s how I discovered the other
things. I’ve already seen some picture before, 11*16 pictures were violet/blue, old RC
photographies, I watched the tapes , it was not a business affair, I put them in security, the only
important thing for me were the BW sheets of paper. It was 15 years ago.
Have you ever met Clark McClelland, former NASA engineer who lost his job years ago

because of what he discovered at the KSC (I suppose alien bodies or alien objects from the Space)?
But you can give me the links. Documents can be at KSC, but no bodies or alien craft I think.
You mentioned in a former letter C. M. and M. Who are they?
C. M. is the website officer on Oceans NASA site []; M. also.
A. M. is 508 Coordinator. I only have mail exchange with Johnson Space Center for the moment.
There is a moment of panic I think since May 18. Check 508 coordinator NASA on a search engine.
Statement 508 is the way of pushing NASA to declassify material. I expected a reaction.
Luca > it is a part of my strategy, NASA has the right to block me if I download unauthorized
information. If they explain why they block me, they recognize that the videos can be obtained from
them. If I sue them for violation of Statement 508, they will be forced to prove I downloaded
unauthorized material , and it's not the case, I never go on a NASA site.
Since May 18, I have not a precise answer, I have to wait for a decision from the headquarters.
Even as Italian citizen, you have the right to ask for material from a federal agency like NASA, see
508 Statement:
Aren’t you afraid of the U.S. Government’s reaction and why did you talk about the
date of September 2007, when NASA and USAF (according to you) “will be forced to tell the
whole story before September 2007”What does it mean and Who is your “deep throat”? In another
recent your communication to me, you talked about the “2012” year. You said: “In 2012, the
weakers will die, and governments preserve the only bit of their heritage [...] everybody has to be
prepared for 2012”. Is there any connection with the “Planet X” return (the ancient Nibiru, adored
by the Sumerians in Mesopotamia) ? What did you know about it?
I'm the deep throat. What can NASA USAF do now? Blocking or suing me would be an
acknowledgement. They can speak of hoax or fiction. I'm just afraid they could open a site or
another account with my name or putting almost perfect false videos with voluntary errors to
disinform. Fortunately, bureaucracy and time works for me. It's a race.
That's why the idea of putting the Leonov files is a good idea, no controversy anymore, there are no
Leonov footage, no videos of this period of Leonov in a LM or on a USA USAF base. It is
unthinkable related to the official version .
I am a passionate of the Sumerian period, of the Genesis as related by Sumerian. They
clearly explain how gods created man. But I have no indications on Sumerian cosmogony, send me
some links.
There is a question you didn't ask for and I'm always surprised that nobody does. This could be your
question 27 - why is it necessary to hide UFOs, why disinformation, why putting all this under the
carpet? It's question of economics. All currencies on Earth are based on the value of gold. Not many
citizens know that but gold is an extraterrestrial metal coming from the death of a star. When a star
is dying, its mass is growing, atoms are compressed and when the star explodes, it spreads large
amounts of gold in young solar systems. That's why gold is not a mineral to treat but a perfect,
carbon free metal. This mean that it is the most common substance in the universe, no more value
than a piece of plastic.
That's enough to put down all world currencies. Imagine also that an EBE says: "coffee has a good
taste, rare in this galaxy", the only perspective of trading coffee through universe would displace the
economic power to countries of the South in one day. You see, not a problem of panic, but simply a
problem of economy.
The end of the interview -

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