Thursday, October 16, 2014

Pyramid One International Radio Network has had Steven Strong on the Radio to Talk about this finding and has published more information which is another part of the ongoing discovery..

Pyramid One International Radio Network

has had Steven Strong on the Radio to Talk about this finding and has published more information which is another part of the ongoing discovery..



The Big Picture
Since posting the first article on Tracy’s tablet there has been a steady stream of criticism, sometimes verging on a torrent, decrying both the authenticity of the tablet and credentials of our claim that this document is a treaty marking an agreement between Original and ancient Egyptian people.
A common complaint relates to an observation noting how the positioning of certain glyphs is faithful to a set Egyptian formula used when creating funerary tablets. Those with doubts will point to certain times when changes in script and setting, which they assume took place somewhere in Egypt first, spread throughout the land to reinforce their objections to our proposition that the tablet is a treaty. The reality is that all of these references to past patterns and progressions in hieroglyphs most assuredly occurred, but as to where the inspiration was in most, if not all occasions, we claim the ‘jury is still out’ and should remain so until the Australian case is completed. Knowing, as we do, modern humans, spirituality, arts, notions like gender and species equality, along with all the hallmarks of noble behaviour began in Australia, the idea that the formal systems of writing is also part of the Original design is entirely consistent.
2014-10-03 12.30.11
Back to the tablet and an observation passed in our previous article. There are six people given a name on the tablet, three are probably depicted to be laying inside each sarcophagus, two, Isis and Osiris are seated each side of the Ankh and the sixth member of this ensemble is mentioned, but never depicted. Are these the six people/Gods acclaimed as being responsible for negotiating and bringing to fruition this sacred accord between two nations? Or perhaps, the three fallen were from the first family that set up a structure in Australia and gained permission, and this document could be an accumulation of important players that spanned centuries? It may be the reason that Hor-Nakht was not engraved into the sarcophagus simply because he was alive when the document was formally presented and consented.

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