Tuesday, January 5, 2016

ON WEDNESDAY AT 6 PM EST USA CHRIS KEHLER and his Guest JIMMY CHURCH then at 7 PM DR KATHERINE ALBRECHT - is an Internationally known Privacy Researcher, Consumer Advocate

Pyramid One Network


Show Topic:  Paranormal Realities, The News You Know Nothing About...


Jimmy Church is the host of 'Fade to Black' on the Game Changer Network and syndicated on KGRA, the Planet. Jimmy started his career in the music business, producing bands in Hollywood back in the 'hair' days in the 80's on the Sunset Strip...all the while studying Ufology, the paranormal and conspiracy theory.

Growing up, Church was influenced by his mother who was an avid reader of Edgar Cayce and Erik von Daniken...she had an open-mind for all things paranormal...and this outlook on the world from childhood is still what happens every time Jimmy is on the air.

Late-night talk radio covering UFOs, ghosts, lost civilizations, secret governments, agendas and alternate realities swept across the country with hosts like Long John Nebel...and Church listened to them all...and still does. He is a student of the genre and he respects those that came before...but he is taking overnight talk radio into the future with a new generation of listeners who all want an answer: Are we alone in the universe???

Along with hosting his live show, Fade to Black, Jimmy is a guest-host on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, appears on Hangar 1: The UFO Files on the History Channel and is a speaker/host at national conventions around the US.

Go visit:

To hear more of Jimmy

MORE ABOUT CHRIS KEHLER HOLISTIC:  http://chriskehler.net/

Welcome to Chris Kehler Holistic  Our unique system of dowsing is able to pinpoint the root problem causing your health issue within a relatively short period of time. For example, if you have asthma, our system will find what is causing your asthma - be it a virus, parasite, negative energy etc. Once we find the problem area and the cause, we use Krystaline energy tools (such as pyramids) to “neutralize” the cause or “stressor.” In most cases, the client can feel a difference by the end of the session, or up to a 24-48 hour period. Keep in mind that very chronic cases may take longer and more sessions to see a result. All this work can be done within a distance healing session, on the phone or over Skype. We have clients in cities and countries all over the world, so there is no need to spend thousands of dollars travelling to our office in Winnipeg! With our system, we’ve had much success with the following types of health problems; shingles, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, spasms, fertility issues, cancers, digestive disorders and so on. We’ve also worked extensively to remove soul problems, anxiety and depression, spiritual attachments, curses, spells and all other forms of negative disruption in the energy of your body.


WEDNESDAY 01/06/2016
AT 7 PM EST USA ( New York Time )

 & CHANNEL  #3

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Ed.D.

Dr. Katherine Albrecht is an internationally known privacy researcher, consumer advocate, bestselling author, and nationally syndicated radio host. She is also is a senior executive with the private search engines StartPage and Ixquick, and is on the team behind the new privacy-protecting email program StartMail, to make powerful encryption available to regular people. Katherine holds a Doctorate in Human Development and Consumer Education from Harvard University, has studied at the MIT Media lab, and received a Masters from Harvard in Technology, Innovation, and Education.
Katherine has authored pro-privacy legislation, testified before the Federal Trade Commission and numerous state legislatures, and was appointed as a consumer technology expert by NH Governor John Lynch. She co-authored the bestseller Spychips, has granted over 2,000 media interviews with news outlets around the globe, including CBS, NBC, CNN, NPR, Fox News, Good Morning America, the BBC, Wired Magazine, The New York Times, and hundreds more. Katherine is currently serving as the Associate Editor of the IEEE Technology & Society Magazine, co-authors an online security blog for eHow, and she heads the 18,000 member consumer privacy organization, CASPIAN.
She is the author of a children's Bible book about Revelation titled "I Won't Take the Mark: A Bible Book and Contract for Children."

  • A popular media commentator whose views have been featured in over 2,000 radio, television, and print news stories.
  • A dynamic radio personality who has hosted a nationally syndicated daily talk radio show since 2007. Katherine's knowledge, eloquence and irreverance, combined with her passion for truth and freedom, have earned her a devoted listener following across the globe.
  • Author or Co-Author of six books and videos, including the award-winning bestseller "Spychips: 
  •  Image result for Dr. Katherine Albrecht
  • How major corporations and government plan to track your every move with RFID" and "The Spychips Threat: Why Christians should resist RFID and electronic surveillance."
  • A highly effective privacy campaigner who combines academic research, PR savvy, and social action to spotlight important privacy and freedom issues. Her efforts have brought major corporations to their knees, forcing them to renounce invasive plans to track and monitor the public. Katherine has spearheaded the worldwide movement against RFID tracking and implant technologies through boycotts, exposes, and street-level protests since 2003, and put an end to human microchipping in 2007. (See her AntiChips website for details.)
  • A sought-after public speaker and privacy expert. Katherine has been invited to address the Federal Trade Commission, The Federal Reserve Bank, The European Commission, the Royal Society of London, The International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners, The International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group, The Privacy Commissioner of Canada, and the state legislatures of California, Washington, Arizona, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Delaware, and Michigan, to name just a few. Katherine was appointed by NH Governor John Lynch to serve as an expert member of that state's two-year RFID Study Commission.
Katherine is also:

  • The Director of CASPIAN Consumer Privacy (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering), an 18,000-member grass-roots organization she founded in 1999 to oppose shopper surveillance.
  • A frequent keynote speaker, lecturer, and public presenter informing decision makers, universities, civic leaders, and trade groups across the U.S. about technological threats to our freedoms. Event organizers rave about Katherine's compelling keynote addresses and jaw-dropping, image-rich presentations.
  • Conversant on a wide variety of topics, including RFID, REAL ID, Human Microchip Implants, Government Surveillance, Encroachment on Freedom, Animal and Food Tracking, and Retail Data Collection. More importantly, Katherine uses her unique worldview, drawn from philosophy and history, to explain why these issues matter. She urges audiences to take a stand for what's right in the historical crossroads between freedom and control.
  • Featured in a number of films, including Aaron Russo's award-winning film "America: From Freedom to Fascism."
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Educational Background:

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