Sunday, June 26, 2016

don Miguel Ruiz Jr on WEDNESDAY at 7 PM EST about his book The Mastery of Self: A Toltec Guide to Personal Freedom

Tonight there will be a very Special Presentation by
don Miguel Ruiz Jr
Image result for don Miguel ruiz jr pics 
about his NEW BOOK

The Mastery of Self:

A Toltec Guide to Personal Freedom
The ancient Toltecs believed that life as we perceive it is a dream.
We each live in our own personal dream, and all of our dreams come together to make the Dream of the Planet. Problems arise when we forget that the dream is just a dream and fall victim to believing that we have no control over it.
The Mastery of Self takes the Toltec philosophy of the Dream of the Planet and the personal dream and explains how a person can:
  • Wake up
  • Liberate themselves from illusory beliefs and stories
  • Live with authenticity
Image result for don Miguel ruiz jr picsOnce released, we can live as our true, authentic, loving self, not only in solitude and meditation, but in any place--at the grocery store, stuck in traffic, etc.--and in any situation or scenario that confronts us.
An image posted by the author.The Ruiz family has an enormous following, and this new book from don Miguel, Jr. will be greeted with enthusiasm by fans around the world. This new book from don Miguel, Jr. will be greeted with enthusiasm by fans around the world.
 Image result for don Miguel ruiz jr pics

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