Sunday, January 6, 2013

What Happened at the Miami Circle on 12/12/12 ??

The Bob Charles Show has been contacted with this Unbelieveable Information that Bob Charles is sharing with the World !!!    CRYSTAL SKULLS are IMPORTANT  to OUR SPIRITUAL AWAKENING for More Info write to:   which can be heard on  
Hello Bob Charles,
Here I have put together some links for you to see the significance of the Miami Circle from my perspective, our event did make the Washington Post,,  The USA TODAY NEWSPAPER,,  ST. LOUIS MSNBC TV,,and the Miami Herald,  The History Channel as well as A&E are seeking an interest for further interveiws.  I am also told from NYC that the Huffington Post is seeking a story from this amazing 12.12.12 Miami Circle event. 
Please pay attention to the light phenomena, shaft of light, on the Miami Circle and us on 12.12.12, A very tangible manifestation of the spiritual significance of this sacred site from the higher powers that sent the light right on the Miami Circle on 12.12.12,
Then on 12.21.12, I spent another beautiful day at the Miami Circle with more Indigenous groups both local and from around the world that came to honor this sacred location. 
Happy New Year 2013,
Kendall Ray Morgan
Oracle Stone Productions

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