The Bob Charles Show has received a message from "KAREN DOONAN"in Scotland she is a Friend and a Guest on the Show. PLEASE READ THIS !
( Follow the Links below for more info )
Hi Bob,
Karen Doonan
I hope this email finds you well. I have taken through an audio channeling from the ELOHIM that explains the disclosure process that is now underway upon planet earth. I have also been guided to create pages on both the GALACTIC PORTAL and Whispering websites that cover disclosure and guided that the races/realms will step forward with information for the human race as to how this process will unfold and explanations of how to cope with the increase in energies that precede disclosure.
The realms/races are aware of your energies, you already know this and they are working with you so they tell me. This information about disclosure will now start to rapidly increase, I am but one source for this information, my guidance always being that my SOUL group would be personally disclosed as would others at the rate that their human vehicles could cope with. There is information under the CREATORS on the Whispering website that explains how a world full of humans at different energetic vibrations can be disclosed at different times. I have placed the links below.
The skull collective are preparing those who caretake them for the next stage in this process, as you know the skulls "heighten and stablise" the gap that exists between the energies that step forward and the human who is communicating with these energies. The energies are now set to increase and I would expect more people to step forward from all sections of society with more stories of E.Ts and already the mainstream media and advertisers are placing "aliens" within adverts and programmes. This is the preparation for all that will unfold.
I take you are also aware of the SIRIUS documentary that is due to come out on the 22nd April, that is the day before we have our 2 day event in Edinburgh. April is a month of heightening energy and the old earth will try its hardest to place spin on all of this. It is vital that people detach from the spin and go into their hearts. There is no "invasion" for the realms/races have lived peacefully with the human race for aeons ON and WITHIN planet earth. There is also no mass landing of spaceships for that is a spin that is put forward to elicit fear. The galactics know that this would not work and this has never been part of the disclosure process.
Can I ask that you put these links on your blog as many may find them useful in the linear days to come. The Disclosure sections of both websites will be created over the next 24 hours as the races/realms are pushing for this information to be available to ALL on planet earth.
many, many thanks Bob.
Karen x
audio channeling:
Author and Channel
"LOVE is the answer, no matter the question". (c) Karen Doonan
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