Channeling Crystal Skulls
Sienna/Shirley commented
- Image by jenthero via Flickr
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Help us attain our highest. The Vision received during the public gathering & meditation.
Love and energy support for the crystal – she is in need of refreshing.
As I was doing this, the earth energy came into my field and I shape shifted into a metal shape to transform and feed energy back to her. I asked Metatron and my guides to come and assist.
Then I was given a vision of ancient shamans holding a circular hoop with the skulls placed in this intricate circle. They were dancing and shaking the circle, chanting. As I gave myself to sending energy to her I became more intimately involved in her purpose. I saw the priests pour blood sacrifice over her and understood that this was the cleansing and rejuvenating of human DNA.
I asked that this not be done in this way, but could we give of the sacred feminine instead? The crystal skulls accepted the gift of the menses of the sacred feminine and became nurtured in our wombs, re-creating for us our ‘new’ DNA codes.
Then I began to blow a blue bubble of light- a ball into my hands. This ball filled the room and sent the new codes to the people in the room. As I blew I saw it grow so big that the energy encompassed the globe, to help us attain our highest consciousness. This is the energy of the crystals.
Collectively, in their place they can be reached by transformer beams from the other dimensions and they are set up to re-build our new DNA. We will have Gaia bathed in their energy, breathing the new energy into all inhabitants.
At the end I saw large beings of white light surround and hold the energy ball in place. This energy ball resides in the 4th dimension in order to clear it in preparation for 5th dimensional consciousness.
The skull speaks to me through knowledge and the 8th dimensional field. Her contact came through the 3rd eye.
Can't wait to hear you, Shirley and everyone else today! <3