Tuesday, November 27, 2012

World Economy ?? Here's the REAL STORY !

Federal Reserve Bank
The Federal Reserve Bank is not what people think it is. The Federal Reserve is own by a few private bankers who have literally taken the United States monetary system as their own. The Federal Reserve was created in 1913. Before that time the United States government printed its own money and it was backed by gold. After the Federal Reserve was created, the United States no longer printed its own money. The US dollar was no longer produced by the nation, it was borrowed from the Federal Reserve Bank and had to be paid back with interest. At that point, the United States was no longer a sovereign nation, and in fact it is not a nation at all. The United States is a corporation technically indebted to sovereign bankers and it was designed that way on purpose.
In the decade that the Great Depression happened from 1929 to the end of the 1930's, the dollar was then taken off the gold standard. No longer was the paper currency backed by metal. Now the Federal Reserve Bank could print as much money as it wanted to, inventing it out of thin air simply for the cost of paper and ink. The interest that had to be paid back on this "invented" money was not in existence, and therefore, the debt could never be paid back.
John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy was the last president of the United States who wasn't part of the secret societies that now run all the powerful nations of the world. They achieve this by having their own members run in both opposing parties in elections and no matter who wins, the secret society has a member in the driver's seat. It is an illusion for the masses that they have free choice between candidates. They don't. Both candidates are part of the same agenda.
John F. Kennedy was killed because he would not continue the situation that the United States was in. He announced that the Federal Reserve Bank would be abolished, no more secret societies, and the United States dollar would be backed by silver and go back the metal standard. Two weeks later he was dead. Ever since then, no candidate for the president of the United States was able to run for the presidency unless he or she was aligned with the secret societies, the shadow government. If you look back in the history, that is what happened.
Feel free to do some research on this. You will find out some very alarming information about fiat currencies, the Federal Reserve Bank, secret societies running the governments, and even the creation of the US dollar with the symbology of Freemasons embedded in the artwork on the dollar. New World Order is even printed on the side of the dollar that has the pyramid on the back.
The Economic Master
The economy is purposely devised to keep humans in a situation where they must always work in order to get their basic needs met. The economy was not designed for longevity or true profitability for the ordinary person. The middle class is eroding fast and there won't be a middle class soon, anywhere in the world if certain plans to erode paper currencies happens. All economies and paper currencies are set up for collapse later so that right about the time the citizens start getting ahead, they lose everything. When they collapse, the ordinary person is left empty handed and poor. This trick was learned during the Roman era and utilized ever since by those in power.
The thing to be aware of is that economies are designed to keep the master and the slave ralationship going in the world while creating the illusion of freedom. The chains and shackles are gone and no longer does the master have to take care of and feed the slave. Now the master and slave condition is far easier for the master bankers, and no one even knows that they are in slavery to an economic master. The world's economy is the new master and an ordinary person has to work pretty hard for an entire lifetime if a savings is to be achieved.
Did you know that in the United States your social security number is on the stock exchange? Every US citizen who is born in in the US gets a social security number, and every human in the USA pays approximately $1 million dollars in taxes by the end of a lifetime. Someone can look up your social security number on the stock exchange to see how much you are producing as stock on the stock market. Each citizen is considered stock that will put a certain amount of money into the system during a lifetime. This is how your value is measured by the government.
Even President Abraham Lincoln understood how it is that the money system and the economic system around it keep people enslaved to it. He said:
“The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity.” - Abraham Lincoln, USA President
You Are Abundant, Despite The Economy
This is not to cause you fear or even anger or outrage. It is simply the old paradigm that you are living in right now. Humanity will not remain in that paradigm if it does not choose to, and the choice is up to humanity en masse now. The efforts toward manipulation of the masses is a purposeful effort to hypnotize humanity into creating a terrible future economy for itself. The masterminds who run the world's systems know very well how it works with the law of attraction. What the mass consciousness focuses on, that's what the mass consciousness creates. They know that if the mass consciousness focuses on despair, fear and negative pole thoughts, emotions, and poverty, then humanity will indeed create for itself the future that these rulers want the masses to create, one where the masses enter a deeper level of slavery to an economic system. Humanity, however, has the opporutnity to choose something different if it decides to step outside of these manipulations. It is useful to be aware of the reality you are in and what your environment is, but realize that it does not define who you are.
It is not your fault that you do not have much money, if that is your situation. There are a million dollars on the face of the Earth for every man, woman, and child alive on the planet. However, not many of them have their million or their share of the abundance. Someone else holds it. It is only 1% of the population that have all the world's wealth. Someone very wealthy holds your million.
We are telling you this so that you can see your situation in a different light. You are an abundant being, and so is everyone else. You will never have proof of that through the economy that is set up in an illusionary reality. You must see your value in other forms.
The world is full of self help gurus teaching you how to think your way to being rich. Those things are folly. Yes, it helps to have a great attitude, see yourself as deserving, use affirmations, visualization and other mind powers for growing rich, but you are leaving the old paradigm so it is irrelevant. In the new paradigm, it will not be about getting wealthy or achieving financial security. That won't be an issue in humanity's future. The economy will never be able to truly reflect your abundance until the entire system on the Earth changes concerning the way the wealth is distributed. People who grow rich often do so through putting others at a disadvantage and in this paradigm that is what you would have to do if you were to get extremely wealthy. Even some rich spiritual teachers are included in that category.
Be at peace even if you are poor. Be at peace if you have not attained great wealth or even just a little wealth and not the amount you'd really like to have in order to feel secure, which is the driving force for most people who are desiring wealth. It is literally a fear of security that is driving the desire to be rich in almost everyone who strives toward that. Remember, the whole illusion around money is mass hypnosis into the idea that it has value, a mass agreement. As soon as the agreement is broken or changed as to whether something has value or not, like a particular fiat currency, the dollar, euro, or any other, then its value is gone in an instant. Your true abundance and worth can never be measured by an illusion like money, and your security cannot be guaranteed by money either. Fiat currencies can llose value almost overnight and become worthless as soon as the mass hypnosis on its value is gone. There is no true security in anything but yourself and the truth of who you are.
This economy we have right now is not designed to truly support the abundance of the masses. It only supports a master/slave relationship between 1% of the wealthy and the 99% of the masses who are enslaved to an economic system that they can never conquer. When the economy changes its inner workings and is run in a benevolent way, only then will it be a true measure of the abundance of all humans on the Earth.

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